Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Magic Beans?

“To me, weeds are weeds.”
Alberta Kelley, Connellsville, Pennsylvania

Photo by Coy!
For grandmother Alberta Kelley of Connellsville, Pennsylvania (population 8,341), it was like living in a fairy tale. But not in a good way. Just like the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, Ms. Kelley met a stranger who gave her mystery seeds. The man promised they’d produce beautiful flowers. Ms. Kelley took the seeds home, put them in the soil, and tended her garden. The seeds produced plants that grew like a weed. As it turns out, they were weed—marijuana, that is. Ms. Kelley didn’t get flowers, but she did get a visit from the police, and an arrest warrant. Ms. Kelley defended her honor in court last week—arguing that she’d never seen pot plants so she didn’t know she was growing them—and the jury found her not guilty. Ms. Kelley plans to return to gardening in the spring, but she’s learned her lesson: don’t talk to strangers who tell tall tales.

Read more Ashlie Hardway, She didn’t know they were marijuana seeds, Channel 4 Action News, WTAE-TV, January 5, 2012.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, that is funny! Disturbing, but amusing to think of a grandma not knowing she is planting weed, then not recognizing it which is totally understandable ;)